Generally speaking, Keith will do cover recreations or commissions for $300 fully penciled with no logos. If you would like the piece inked Keith will ink on a case by case basis for an additional fee. (We can also arrange another inker for you if you would like the piece inked.) A checklist of covers Keith Penciled is at the bottom of this page.
Published Art
For Sale
Thor #482 pg 37 Splash $200
Daredevil #341 pg. 15 Splash $200
Nick Fury Agent of SHIELD #9 Cover $800
Spider-Man comic pg. 12 NFL ProAction Magazine #3 $150
Lethal Foes of Spider-Man #3 pg 6 Splash $250
Marvel Super-heroes
#1 pg. 22 Hercules
story $85
Marvel Super-heroes
#15 pg. 5 Iron Man
story $85
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keith pollard has the distinction of working on three of marvel's main books simultaneou sly when he was penciling The Fantastic four from 4/78-5/79 while he was also pencilling the amazing spider-man from 11/78- 6/80 and thor from 3/79-6/82.

along with the fondess of collectors for his work on ff, spider-man and thor, keith is also widely remembered for his work on the original deathlok stories in astonishing tales as well as dc's green lantern and vigilante.
ke it h ca n d o co n ve nt io n- ty pe sk et ch es fo r $5 0 pe r ch ar ac te r pe nc ile d.
ge ne ral ly sp ea ki n g,
ke it h wi ll d o co ve r
re cr ea ti o ns or co m mi ss io ns fo r $5 00
fu lly pe nc ill ed wi th
n o lo g os . If y o u
w o ul d lik e th e pi ec e
in ke d ke it h wi ll in k o n a ca se b y ca se ba si s fo r an ad di ti o na l fe e. (w e ca n al so ar ra n ge an ot he r in ke r fo r y o u if y o u w o ul d lik e th e pi ec e in ke d. ) A ch ec kli st of co ve rs ke it h pe nc ile d is at th e b ot to m of th is pa ge .
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Frank Springer
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Generally Speaking Frank will do cover recreations or commissions based on your ideas
for $500 fully penciled with no logos. If you plan on having your piece inked, it is Frank's
Preference that Joe Rubinstein ink his work and we can help youarrange that with Joe as well.